You can find on this page the Croatia road map to print and to download in PDF. The Croatia driving map presents the detailed road network, main highways and free motorways of Croatia in Southern Europe.

Croatia roads map

The Croatia road map shows all roads network and main roads of Croatia. This road map of Croatia will allow you to preparing your routes and find your routes through the roads of Croatia in Southern Europe. The Croatia roads map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Croatia roads map shows that all vehicles traveling on roads in Croatia are affected by the toll that is charged to the number of kilometers traveled on the entire Croatia roads network. With your UTA card, at the point of sale of the HAC toll company, you can purchase your Postpay (ENC) badge for your vehicles on Croatia roads with more than 3.5 tonnes of GVW (categories III and IV). (categories III and IV).

National roads of Croatia on Croatia roads map, are also pretty well maintained, but turn into an ice rink at the slightest rain. Local drivers on Croatia roads, always drive very slowly in this case. Croatia Mountain roads are winding and need to be cautious. In winter, the snow can fall quickly, do not forget the special equipment. The only real hassle is the coastal road, which bypasses each creek and overlooks fabulous landscapes.

The coastal roads of Croatia on Croatia roads map, are full of little treasures, but we will not tell you where to go and what exactly to do on Croatia roads. As a true adventurer, you know that the best adventures are the ones you discover on your own. Nevertheless, let us show you the best of Croatia roads: wherever you go, the Adriatic Sea follows you. You will have everywhere a magnificent view.

Croatia highway map

The Croatia highway map shows toll and free motorways of Croatia. This highways map of Croatia will allow you to prepare your routes on motorways of Croatia in Southern Europe. The Croatia highway map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The highway in Croatia on Croatia highway map, is really an advantage because Croatia highway saves you time but can be quite expensive. To earn money but also to discover an authentic Croatia highway away from the tourist bustle, prefer the national roads rather than the highway. Let's not forget that these are the roads that everyone used before the construction of the highway a few years ago and have now become deserted. And it's a shame!

The highway in Croatia on Croatia highway map, is not free. The trips on Croatia highway alternate between recent portions in excellent condition and others older, but in renovation. You can pay in cash or by credit card. In Croatia, the ferry and highway are also a very common means of transport along the Adriatic coast. It is often affordable.

In Croatia highway, the opening of the Mala Kapela tunnel and the last section between Vrpolje and Pirovac on Croatia highway map, 33 km long, marked the official opening of the Zagreb - Split highway at the end of June in Croatia. With the completion of this last piece, the Zagreb Croatia highway- Split car with a length of 380 km joins the capital to the city of Split in 3 hours.