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Map of Croatia trains: rail lines and high speed train of Croatia

You can find on this page the Croatia trains map to print and to download in PDF. The Croatia railways map presents the rail network and shows high speed rails routes of Croatia in Southern Europe.

Croatia rail map

The Croatia rail map shows all the railway stations and lines of Croatia trains. This train map of Croatia will allow you to easily travel by train in showing the major rail routes and high speed rail routes of Croatia in Southern Europe. The Croatia rail map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The train rail in Croatia on Croatia rail map, is not the most developed mode of transport but offers many advantages. The Croatia rail will take you from Zagreb to Rijeka and vice versa, from Zagreb to Split, and from east to Zagreb to Osijek. As the train is often quite slow on Croatia rail, it will be better for those who are not in a hurry.

The Croatia national rail network on Croatia rail map, is operated by Hrvatske željeznice (HZ). To see the train schedules on Croatia rail map, you can consult the Interrail timetables. Some cities in Croatia (such as Zadar) do not appear in our timetables of Croatia rail map. Use HZ schedules. HZ provides connections to the main cities of Croatia. Regional trains and express trains run inland.

If you're looking for the easiest way to find your train ticket in Croatia rail at the best price on Croatia rail map, go for it! Just select the date of your trip and you will be shown all options offered by our Croatia rail partners: by filtering the results of Croatia rail map, you will find the option that perfectly fits your budget and your schedule.